Archive for February, 2012

A man’s best friend

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Did you read about the woman who bravely stayed with her horse for THREE HOURS as it sank in mud? Luckily both Astro the horse and the woman survived the terrifying ordeal as they were pulled to safety.

We love a good animal story at National Story Seller – have you got one you’d like to share? Does your dog have more clothes than you do? Do you lay your cat a place at the dinner table? Or perhaps your snake saved your life?

However wacky your animal story is, we’d love to hear about it!

Forgive and forget?

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

While we know it’s easy to judge from a distance we were shocked when we heard that Natalie Cassidy is to take back her formally violent partner. She believes him to be free from the drink that turned him violent – let’s hope she’s right.

Do you have a story of domestic violence to share? Did your partner change for the better? Or do you think a leopard doesn’t change his spots?

We love to give you a voice to share your story – and always pay big money.

A day to remember

Friday, February 17th, 2012

With the wedding season not too far away we’re looking for your unique big-day stories. Are you planning something out of the ordinary? Perhaps your wedding didn’t go quite to plan? Or maybe all the drama happened on your honeymoon.

Remember we pay big money for your stories – give us a call!

The 6000 calorie diet

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

It’s always refreshing to see a woman who isn’t constantly worried about her weight – but reading about Britain’s fattest woman was heartbreaking. Here’s a person so addicted to food she can no longer leave her house – the last time she tried she broke the suspension on her husband’s car.

Brenda tucks away a massive 6000 calories a day, mostly consisting  of chocolates and fizzy drinks. She is hopeful she will be able to loose weight to start a family in the future.

Have you lost a dramatic amount of weight? Did you do it in an unusual way? Perhaps you tried but something stopped you. We’d love to hear your weight-related stories – they might even help someone like Brenda.

Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

It’s Big Fat Gypsy Wedding time again! Tonight Channel Four will be showing the first episode of series two which promises to be bigger and better than before.

The controversial show has given ‘country people’ a rare glimpse into their traditionally secretive  culture – and we can’t get enough of it! From the dresses to the cakes, everything is super-sized and done to the extreme.

During the first series we spoke to one of the brides in a moving interview on her experience of growing up a traveler and she couldn’t have been nicer. If you or someone you know is going to be on the show, we’d love to speak to you too.

Whether you love it or hate it – everyone’s got something to say about it.

WOW Widows

Friday, February 10th, 2012

We were introduced to the addictive World of Warcraft game today. It’s a serious business – men who made the mistake of trying out the game haven’t been able to leave the computer since – leaving a nation of ‘WOW widows’.

One frustrated wife told us she’d had to start threatening her husband with no dinner if he couldn’t tear himself away long enough to eat it! Others said they gave it a go to see what all the fuss was about and got sucked in themselves.

Have you lost your partner to computer games or are you the one with the addiction? Perhaps you have a weird and wonderful addiction yourself? Get in touch!

Money problems?

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

We loved the story of the young engaged couple who won the EuroMillions. They were saving hard for their wedding when they landed a million for each year of their lives – a cool £45 million!

Let’s hope it brings them much happiness. Have you had your life ruined by money? Did you have a bin win-fall that changed your life for the worse? Did you loose your friends or loved ones?

If you have a money-related story, get in touch!

Winter Weight-Loss

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

With temperatures still below zero it’s hard to think about squeezing ourselves into our summer-wear (eek!) –  but now’s the time to start a healthy weight-loss plan in time for warmer weather.

We’ve had some amazing stories from women who have beaten the gym boredom by trying something different – from trampolining to pole dancing! These women have shed stones and had fun doing it.

If you have an inspirational or unusual weight-loss story, we’d love to hear from you!

Snow Business

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Unless you were on planet Mars this weekend you’ll know we had a bit of snow in the uk! The papers have been covered with stunning pictures of the whole country looking like a Christmas card.

How did the snow affect your weekend? Get in touch and let us know!

The Big Freeze

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

We’re all wrapped up nice and warm in the National Story Seller office ready for the snow to arrive. One thing making us shiver is watching the girls on TOWIE brave the elements san tights.

What do you think of their style? Do you base your look on these glamorous ladies? If you’re a major TOWIE wannabe we’d love to hear from you.

And of course we’re always dying to hear your celeb gossip – we’ll always get you the best price!